Under Promise. Over Deliver. Write Now.
Upod Academy gives working freelancers the tools, contacts
and meaningful support to achieve more than they ever imagined.
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“Freelancers, here’s the tribe you need to succeed.”
Upod Academy builds better freelancers. Whether you want to publish a personal essay, launch a travel writing career or rule the media world, we help you craft a plan and stay accountable to your professional goals. At workshops, webinars, retreats and in private coaching sessions, the focus is on hitting the sweet spot between quality output and financial reward. Our speakers are the best in the biz. We work with newbies and award-winning pros. Walk away with confidence, connections and a road map for moving forward. Since 2011, hundreds of articles and projects have sold as a direct result of Upod Academy.
“With all your power, what would you do?”
Schedule a private coaching session to formulate a strategy for your freelance career or business.
“For writers and other creative people, the important question to ask is: ‘Why not me?’ Why shouldn’t you be the one selling your work to your dream places? Why wait for what you really want? ”
In his TEDx talk, Upod Academy founder and freelancer David Hochman tells how he pushes through fear one "thumbslam" at a time.