Upod Success

Covering The Candidates You Never Knew Existed

Upodder Craig Tomashoff is a former TV Guide editor whose new political book, "The Can't-idates," about anonymous super-longshots who run for America's top office, just got some love from People Magazine. Craig spent time in New Hampshire trailing the presidential hopefuls in hopes of landing a running mate spot or at least an ambassadorship. Well, he was also on a book tour.

This is actually a story of two Upodders. Longtime group member Bob Makela oversees Bobtimystic Books, the independent publisher that produced Craig's book.

"The Can't-idates: Running For President When Nobody Knows Your Name," gets it moment in the spotlight at Book Soup in Los Angeles on March 25.


Thinking of Upod Academy Two Years Later


Upodder Lynda Brendish noticed on Facebook that it was her two-year Upod Academy anniversary, which prompted her to write to her workshop group: "PodCad was definitely a turning point for me. I was sleeping on a friend's couch and not sure if I should go back to New Zealand and pack it all in or stick it out, but now I'm in my own apartment that I love (which is a good thing since I never leave it.) and have a very decent amount of work coming in. I'm still not where I want to bein my career and I have a lot of hard work in front of me, but I feel like it will happen. And I have so many of you to thank for the moral, emotional and mental support as well as the very real opportunities I have been connected with by people in this group - some of whom just trusted in my abilities sight unseen. THANK YOU."

Here's a link to an LA Weekly piece by Lynda.